Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Prolonged Services codes CPT 99354 - 99357

Prolonged Services billing is allowed by Medicare in the Office, other Outpatient and Inpatient settings, the Prolonged Service codes are used as add-on codes to E&M codes to indicate the extra time that the Physician has spent face-to-face with the patient.

The Prolonged Service codes are billed based on the length of time spent with the patient beyond the usual time required for the E&M code billed, the time spent with the patient need not be continuous but it must be time spent in one calendar day and must be time spent face-to-face with the patient.

For Office/Outpatient settings :

CPT 99354 can be billed when the provider spends direct face-to-face time of more than one hour beyond the usual service/typical time for the E&M code. Additional 30 minutes of face-to-face time with patient can be reported by CPT Code 99355.

For Inpatient settings :

CPT 99356 can be billed when the provider spends direct face-to-face time of more than one hour beyond the usual service/typical time for the E&M code.
Additional 30 minutes of face-to-face time with patient can be reported by CPT Code 99357.

Prolonged service cannot be billed when the prolonged service duration is less than 30 minutes as then it would be considered as included in the E&M code billed.

Prolonged services of less than 15 minutes beyond first hour or less than 15 minutes beyond the final 30 minutes cannot be billed.

Total time of Prolonged services
(do not include visit code time)
Prolonged Services Code
Prolonged Services Code
Less than 30 minutes
Not reported
Not reported
30 – 74 minutes
75 – 104 minutes
99354 and 99355
99356 and 99357

As regards the documentation, the documentation needs to be explicit, documentation is required to be in the medical record about the duration and content of  the medically necessary evaluation and management service and prolonged  services that you bill. 

You must sufficiently document in the medical record that you  personally furnished the direct face-to-face time with the patient specified in the CPT code definitions.   The progress note has to have the start and end times of the visit, along with the date of service.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Signing of Medical Records

Medical Records need to be signed once the services are rendered, the medical record is authenticated when a Provider signs the document.

Payers expect records to be signed within 24 Hrs after services are rendered. In the case of EHR, the records need to be signed electronically.

Medical records that are not signed and records that are signed after a unreasonable delay may not be accepted and could lead to financial and legal implications.

Importance of Documentation

Medical Documentation is very important from a Clinical, Financial and Legal standpoint. 

From a Clinical perspective medical documentation establishes the following,
  • the Patient receiving the Service
  • the Physician providing the Service
  • the Plan of Care provided by the Physician
  • the Diagnosis justifying Medical necessity
  • the Procedures performed, the Labs ordered
  • the Quantity of Service such as consumables
  • other details such as Place of service / Date of service e.t.c

From a Financial perspective medical documentation establishes the following,
  • proper adjudication of claims
  • timely payment of claims

From a Legal perspective medical documentation establishes,
  • the justification for the procedures performed
  • Legal protection for the Patients and Physicians

The Physician / Provider has to document all the procedures performed and sign the document, procedures that are not documented would be considered as not performed and would not be eligible for payment.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Modifiers 52 & 53

The usage of Modifiers 52 & 53 is very clear and straightforward but still many claims have these modifiers applied incorrectly opening up the possibility of a recoupment later on.

52 Modifier - Reduced Services.

In many instances a procedure or service is reduced at the discretion of  a physician.

We need to apply the 52 modifier to that CPT code, when the physician is performing a reduced procedure rather than the entire procedure, as denoted by the CPT code and when that reduced procedure does not have a specific CPT code for billing. The 52 modifier should not be applied to a CPT code, when the procedure that was planned had to be discontinued / terminated for any reason whatsoever. In these instances we need to use modifier 53 to indicate that the procedure was discontinued.

If the reduced procedure is surgical, the claim needs to submitted with an Operative report and a separate report detailing how the reduced procedure differs from the normal procedure.

For procedures that are non-surgical, a report detailing how the reduced procedure differs from the normal procedure needs to be sent alongwith the claim.

Example :

The provider is planning on performing pure tone audiometry, air only, for a patient on only one ear. There is no CPT code for this test when performed on one ear, while we have CPT code 92552 pure tone audiometry (threshold), air only, for both ears ( bilateral procedure ). 

In this instance since the provider plans to perform the test for one ear only, this becomes a reduced procedure. Hence we need to append modifier 52 to CPT code 92552.

53 Modifier - Discontinued Procedure.

In many instances a surgical or diagnostic procedure may need to be terminated / discontinued due to various reasons.

A procedure that was initiated may need to be terminated / discontinued due to various reasons, in such cases we need to apply Modifier 53 to the CPT code. A procedure may be discontinued / terminated due to various reasons, such as the patient not being able to tolerate the procedure. The 53 modifier basically indicates that the procedure was initiated but not completed.

If the discontinued procedure is surgical then a Operative report needs to be sent alongwith the claim. 

For procedures that are non-surgical, a report detailing how the discontinued procedure differs from the normal procedure needs to be sent alongwith the claim.

The 53 modifier cannot be used, if a Procedure is discontinued by the Physician before administering anesthesia or surgical preparation in the operating room.

Example :

Colonoscopy was initiated on a patient. Polyps were removed by hot biopsy from the descending colon. The provider then attempted to move the colonoscope past the splenic flexure but due to a tortuous colon / blockage the colonoscope could not advance past the splenic flexure. The procedure was hence discontinued.

In this instance the physician had initiated a Colonoscopy by Hot biopsy CPT 45384, but the procedure was discontinued as the colonoscope could not move past the splenic flexure. Hence we need to append mofifier 53 to CPT code 45384.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hemodialysis & E & M visits

In general when Hemodialysis is billed alongwith an E&M procedure, the Hemodialysis procedure alone is paid while the E&M procedure is denied.

This is because the Hemodialysis procedure has an E&M component built into it and hence the additional E&M procedure is denied. The Evaluation and Management services related to dialysis treatment for ESRD are included in the Dialysis codes and so are not separately reimbursable.

However an E&M can be billed if it is for a separate and distinct service.

For example if a Physician treats a separate and unrelated condition, than the E&M code can be billed with modifier 25, the important point to note is that the documentation should substantiate that the E&M is for a separate and identifiable service apart from the Dialysis procedure on the same day.

Services that are generally included into the Dialysis code are the Physician's evaluation, treatment plan, phone calls, counselling, physician laboratory visits and overall management of the patient.